Thalgo Marine Facials

Thalgo Marine Facials

Let the sea empower your beauty

 The sea has always been a source of vital energy and can regenerate you both physically and mentally. THALGO has taken inspiration from this for more than 50 years combining efficacy and well-being. We infuse this marine energy through products and treatment protocols that revitalise body and mind for luminous and radiant beauty.


 All Thalgo facials begin with the “Discovery of the Sea” welcome massage to ease tensions and immerse you in a relaxing aquatic cocoon.

For best results, Thalgo recommends a course of 6 facials


Experience true marine beauty with this signature “Thalasso” algae facial.

Duration - 1 hour 25 mins

The birth of Thalassotherapy

In 1865, the very term of thalassotherapy (from the Greek Thalassa “the sea” and Therapeuein “to take care”) was invented by the doctor Joseph de La Bonnardière to define the therapeutic use of sea bathing commonly carried out in marine thermalism in the 19th century

One specialist Marine-Spa thalassotherapy centre, Villa Thalgo, has researched and developed bringing Thalassotherapy to clientele who;

  • do not have any medical issues but are searching for “well-being”

  • who live far away from the sea.

The composition of sea water

Composed of 92 trace elements and mineral salts, in their organic form, therefore directly active, and living organic molecules (vitamins, sugars, amino acids, lipids…) produced by marine species, sea water is a source of micronutrients that are essential for the skin to work well. These marine molecules intervene in the skin’s protection, defence, growth and youth mechanism

 The importance of micro-nutrients and the key roles they play in the skin

Micro-nutrients are vital for the skin’s health and beauty, and for the most part they are elements that the body does not know how to synthesise. Qualified as “essentials”, they are unavoidably provided by food or an exogenous provision (topical provision in particular).

The major categories of micro-nutrients are;

Minerals and trace elements perform a REMINERALISING ACTION and intervene on the skin’s structure and are involved in many cell metabolisms.

  • Potassium, calcium and manganese intervene in the skin’s water balance and in maintaining its barrier function.

  • Silicium, selenium, copper, and iron intervene in maintaining an optimum dermal structure and proved anti-free radical protection to the dermal fibres.

  • Zinc and magnesium are reciprocally purifying, antioxidant and soothing, hydrating

Fatty acids + amino acids perform a FORTIFYING ACTION

  • Amino acids for skin structure and architecture: consolidate the dermal fibre network

  • Essential Fatty Acids for intercellular cement and consolidate the skin barrier, maintain skin hydration

The Heart of the Ocean face massage recreates the rhythmic motions of the sea to relax and relieve tension and the treatment is completed with a skin specific moisturiser and energising eye gel to leave your complexion soft, radiant and clear.

 Duration – 1 hour and 25 minutes


Hyalu Pro-collagen Wrinkle-correcting Treatment is inspired by the latest research into the marine microbiome (key element for the balance of the seas and oceans, essential to the proper development of the seabed) and in looking for an innovative and effective active ingredient on visible wrinkles,

 Laboratoires THALGO have chosen marine pro-collagen

Tested in the laboratory, marine pro-collagen has shown capacity to stimulate syntheses by the skin cells of collagens I, III, IV and hyaluronic acid, major molecules in the cell matrix supporting the skin.

 Duration - 1 hour 25 mins


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Vitamins + Sugars perform an ENERGISING ACTION and Intervene in cell growth and renewal

  • Vitamin A for cell renewal

  • Vitamin C for collagen and elastin synthesis

  • Vitamin B for keratin synthesis, fatty acid & protein synthesis, growth & cell multiplication

  • Vitamin D for skin immune system, keratinisation regulation and maintaining skin hydration

  • Vitamin E for antioxidant, emollient, soothing

  • Sugars for cell oxygenation and energy required for growth and cell multiplication

Antioxidants perform a PROTECTIVE ACTION and intervene in protecting the skin against free radicals that are a cause of cell ageing.

PRODIGE DES OCÉANS was born from an EXTRAORDINARY DISCOVERY, Marine nutrients have highly regenerative properties that act on the proteins key to youthful-looking skin.

It took years of Research by the THALGO Researchers to select three active sources with a high concentration of marine nutrients and to demonstrate their remarkable regenerative youthfulness-boosting properties.

THALGO has taken these three active sources – BIOACTIVE MARINE WATER, MARITIME STEM CELLS and a PLURICELLULAR ALGA – and extracted and developed an exclusive active ingredient

This ‘youthfulness’ concentrate combines a patented cocktail of 64 marine nutrients which reactivates 64 proteins key to youthful-looking skin providing proven correction of;

  • Wrinkles

  • Firmness

  • Dryness

  • Complexion

  • Blemishes

The ultimate high-regeneration beauty treatment combines the 64 essential nutrients with an anti-ageing massage inspired by Japanese Kobido ancient manual facelift techniques.

This unique ultra-luxurious experience stimulates energy flow, eliminates toxins, tones facial muscles, relieves all tensions to smooth wrinkles and restore firmness and elasticity to the skin.

The facial contours appear redefined and re-sculpted, while wrinkles are smoothed away and the body enters a state of deep relaxation.

The ultimate beauty experience for Total Youthfulness.